1. Acceptance of the conditions of sale, making the order
These Conditions of Sale (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") govern the contractual relationship between the customer site www.collectionabbigliamento.it (hereinafter referred to as "customers") and collectionabbigliamento.it headquartered in San Severo Via Tiberio Solis , 74 - 71,016, which is registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia ACPC 108,731.
- Customers / Visitors accessing www.collectionabbigliamento.it (hereinafter referred to as "Site") you agree to abide by the Conditions set out from it.
- These general conditions of contract prepared by collectionabbigliamento.it are fully effective against Customer and means to know and accept at the time of execution of 'order from the same customers.
Collectionabbigliamento.it therefore invites its customers using the 'ordinary diligence requests from' art. 1341 cod. civ. , To read these terms and conditions before making the order and read these Terms each time you visit the site www.collectionabbiliamento.it, could, possibly, some of the provisions contained in these Terms suffer during the time of changes .
- Customers can Collectionabbiliamento.it and waived by mutual agreement within the meaning of 'art. 1342 cod. civ. , The General Conditions, any exceptions will have agreed for their validity and effectiveness within the meaning of 'art. 1352 cod. civ. , Is written expressly for failing are not attached and for non-existent.
- The order of customers has value irrevocable proposal within the meaning of 'art. 1329.
- Customers with the operation of state also to be aware of these terms and conditions in all particulars and agree to the full. Without the possibility of putting exceptions beyond those permitted by law and / or by these conditions.
2. Validated, surrendered to propose exceptions, end of contract
The contract is concluded, according to the expected effects from 'art. 1326 cod. civ. , When collectionabbigliamento.it communicate online with their e-mail Customer validation of their order that will be made through the email validation after checking the availability of the product and that the advance payment mode chosen by the customer .
Collectionabbigliamento.it engages in any case to inform clients or the validation of its non-acceptance if the product is not available or if the payment mode chosen by the customer is not the case.
The absence of any obligation on the part of a collectionabbigliamento.it conclude contracts and recognizing and accepting visitors / customers of the site contractual freedom of collectionabbigliamento.it itself is therefore excluded any right of visitors / customers to damages or compensation, and any contractual liability or obligation to direct or indirect damage to persons and / or property, caused by the rejection, even partial, of an order. So the visitors / customers with 'sending of' order declare that I am aware of the possibility that COLLECTIONABBIGLIAMENTO.IT not accept your order and waive, at the same time, to make any claim between those above and / or other similar.
If the customer is a consumer (ie an individual who buys the goods for purposes not related to his professional activities), finished the procedure of purchase on-line, it 's obligation to print or save a copy electronically and in any case maintain the present conditions of sale, subject to the provisions of the Articles. 3 and 4 of D. lgs 185/1999 on distance sales.
3. Running orders
Via the Internet Site: www.collectionabbigliamento.It - 24 hours on 24 and 7 days on 7. Made the order an e-mail will be sent to the customer to confirm the registration of the same. Subsequently will be sent an email containing details of payment chosen by the customer in case of product.
4. Guarantees and commodity prices
On CollectionAbbigliamento.it are offered for sale exclusively branded and top quality. These products are purchased directly from the seller at manufacturers and retailers carefully selected for their stringent quality controls. The seller does not sell used, irregular or inferior to the corresponding market standards. The essential characteristics of products are shown on CollectionAbbigliamento.it within each product description. The images and colors of products offered on CollectionAbbigliamento.it may not exactly correspond to the actual effect of the Internet browser of your monitor. All products bear an identification tag. We ask that you not remove the tag from the purchased products, which are an integral part.
5. Intellectual property rights
The contents of CollectionAbbigliamento.it, such as exemplified in the works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, illustrations, logos and any other material in any format, published CollectionAbbigliamento.it, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors, patterns, tools, fonts, and design of websites, diagrams, layouts, methods, functions, and software that are part of CollectionAbbigliamento.it are protected by copyright and other intellectual property right of collectionabbigliamento.it and other rights holders. It 'may not be reproduced in whole or in part, any form of CollectionAbbigliamento.it of its contents, without the express written information CollectionAbbigliamento.it.
6. Trademarks and domain names CollectionAbbigliamento is the exclusive owner of the logos and trademarks Clothing Collection and any other distinguishing marks that include the word CollectionAbbigliamento, including the domain www.collectionabbigliamento.it.All other brands that distinguish the products sold on collectionAbbigliamento.it and on this website are trademarks of their respective owners and are used within CollectionAbbigliamento.it for the sole purpose of distinguishing, describing and advertising the products on sale. CollectionAbbigliamento.it and all the other owners of registered trademarks have the right to have exclusive use of the trademarks of their respective owners. You are not allowed, except with the consent of CollectionAbbigliamento.it and any other holders of registered trademarks, and published on the website, to use those marks to distinguish goods or services is also not similar to those of CollectionAbbigliamento or other trademark owners. Most brands on the website and for sale are known to the general public and to each user. It is not in any way allowed to use those marks and other distinctive feature on this CollectionAbbigliamento.it to derive unfair advantage of the distinctive character or the reputation of these brands or to be detrimental to them and their owners.
7. Litigation and liability The sales contract between the customer and CollectionAbbigliamento.it is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. For the solution of civil and criminal litigation arising from the conclusion of this contract of sale at a distance, if the customer is a consumer, the local jurisdiction is that of the reference hole of his town of residence in all other cases, the local jurisdiction is the only forum in San Severo ..